NZX Market Announcements

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Showing most recent 200 announcements. | Last updated at 14/02/2025 15:02 NZDT
1446758CO2CO2's NTA as at 13/02/2025: $1.872314/02/2025 14:32 NZDTMKTUPDTE
2446757CO2Carbon Fund acquisition of CO2 units14/02/2025 14:31 NZDTSECISSUE
3446756PFIAcquisition - 316 Neilson Street, Penrose, Auckland14/02/2025 12:59 NZDTTRANSACT
4446755RUACapital Change Notice14/02/2025 10:24 NZDTSECISSUE
5446754ANZUpdate - Notification of buy-back - ANZ14/02/2025 10:16 NZDTSECISSUE
6446753EMGEMG NTA 13-02-2025 $2.7237914/02/2025 09:34 NZDTMKTUPDTE
7446752AGGAGG NTA 13-02-2025 $1.1945414/02/2025 09:33 NZDTMKTUPDTE
8446751ASFASF NTA 13-02-2025 $11.7935114/02/2025 09:33 NZDTMKTUPDTE
9446750ASDASD NTA 13-02-2025 $1.8853514/02/2025 09:33 NZDTMKTUPDTE
10446749ASRASR NTA 13-02-2025 $5.9758914/02/2025 09:33 NZDTMKTUPDTE
11446748APAAPA NTA 13-02-2025 $2.5852814/02/2025 09:33 NZDTMKTUPDTE
12446747AUEAUE NTA 13-02-2025 $3.1743314/02/2025 09:33 NZDTMKTUPDTE
13446746DIVDIV NTA 13-02-2025 $1.1612514/02/2025 09:33 NZDTMKTUPDTE
14446745ASPASP NTA 13-02-2025 $1.4471814/02/2025 09:33 NZDTMKTUPDTE
15446744EMFEMF NTA 13-02-2025 $1.6131414/02/2025 09:33 NZDTMKTUPDTE
16446743EUGEUG NTA 13-02-2025 $3.7716514/02/2025 09:33 NZDTMKTUPDTE
17446742ESGESG NTA 13-02-2025 $4.1314914/02/2025 09:33 NZDTMKTUPDTE
18446741AUSAUS NTA 13-02-2025 $3.7623014/02/2025 09:33 NZDTMKTUPDTE
19446740BTCBTC NTA 13-02-2025 $3.8265414/02/2025 09:33 NZDTMKTUPDTE
20446739GBFGBF NTA 13-02-2025 $3.1382314/02/2025 09:33 NZDTMKTUPDTE
21446738BOTBOT NTA 13-02-2025 $5.8627714/02/2025 09:33 NZDTMKTUPDTE
22446737FNZFNZ NTA 13-02-2025 $3.1241614/02/2025 09:33 NZDTMKTUPDTE
23446736EUFEUF NTA 13-02-2025 $2.4612414/02/2025 09:33 NZDTMKTUPDTE
24446735GPRGPR NTA 13-02-2025 $2.7591414/02/2025 09:33 NZDTMKTUPDTE
25446734GLDGLD NTA 13-02-2025 $2.8117514/02/2025 09:33 NZDTMKTUPDTE
26446733GGBGGB NTA 13-02-2025 $2.5176614/02/2025 09:33 NZDTMKTUPDTE
27446732LIVLIV NTA 13-02-2025 $3.1373114/02/2025 09:32 NZDTMKTUPDTE
28446731JPNJPN NTA 13-02-2025 $2.6916514/02/2025 09:32 NZDTMKTUPDTE
29446730INFINF NTA 13-02-2025 $2.8526114/02/2025 09:32 NZDTMKTUPDTE
30446729NGBNGB NTA 13-02-2025 $2.2062014/02/2025 09:32 NZDTMKTUPDTE
31446728MZYMZY NTA 13-02-2025 $11.2867414/02/2025 09:32 NZDTMKTUPDTE
32446727MDZMDZ NTA 13-02-2025 $5.5842214/02/2025 09:32 NZDTMKTUPDTE
33446726NZCNZC NTA 13-02-2025 $3.0443914/02/2025 09:32 NZDTMKTUPDTE
34446725NZBNZB NTA 13-02-2025 $2.9900014/02/2025 09:32 NZDTMKTUPDTE
35446724NPFNPF NTA 13-02-2025 $1.0876814/02/2025 09:32 NZDTMKTUPDTE
36446723TNZTNZ NTA 13-02-2025 $2.0598514/02/2025 09:32 NZDTMKTUPDTE
37446722OZYOZY NTA 13-02-2025 $5.3569714/02/2025 09:32 NZDTMKTUPDTE
38446721NZTNZT NTA 13-02-2025 $2.5126814/02/2025 09:32 NZDTMKTUPDTE
39446720NZGNZG NTA 13-02-2025 $2.5663614/02/2025 09:32 NZDTMKTUPDTE
40446719USAUSA NTA 13-02-2025 $5.0200314/02/2025 09:32 NZDTMKTUPDTE
41446718TWHTWH NTA 13-02-2025 $3.9824214/02/2025 09:32 NZDTMKTUPDTE
42446717TWFTWF NTA 13-02-2025 $4.2428614/02/2025 09:32 NZDTMKTUPDTE
43446716USHUSH NTA 13-02-2025 $3.4398414/02/2025 09:31 NZDTMKTUPDTE
44446715USGUSG NTA 13-02-2025 $13.8928514/02/2025 09:31 NZDTMKTUPDTE
45446714USFUSF NTA 13-02-2025 $19.0158414/02/2025 09:31 NZDTMKTUPDTE
46446713USTUST NTA 13-02-2025 $2.5515414/02/2025 09:31 NZDTMKTUPDTE
47446712USSUSS NTA 13-02-2025 $8.3237414/02/2025 09:31 NZDTMKTUPDTE
48446711USMUSM NTA 13-02-2025 $9.3632014/02/2025 09:31 NZDTMKTUPDTE
49446710USVUSV NTA 13-02-2025 $6.1415814/02/2025 09:31 NZDTMKTUPDTE
50446709NZXOTranspower New Zealand Limited (“TRP050”) – Maturity14/02/2025 09:09 NZDTMEMO
51446708TRP050Transpower New Zealand Limited (“TRP050”) – Maturity14/02/2025 09:09 NZDTMEMO
52446707MLNMLN – Notice of acquisition of securities - 13 Feb 202514/02/2025 09:08 NZDTSECISSUE
53446706BRMBRM – Notice of acquisition of securities - 13 Feb 202514/02/2025 09:04 NZDTSECISSUE
54446705KFLKFL – Notice of acquisition of securities -13 Feb 202514/02/2025 09:02 NZDTSECISSUE
55446704BITBIT - Net Asset Values as at 12 February 202514/02/2025 08:30 NZDTMKTUPDTE
56446703HFLHFL - Net Asset Value as at 12 February 202514/02/2025 08:30 NZDTMKTUPDTE
57446702FCTNet Asset Value as at 12 February 202514/02/2025 08:30 NZDTMKTUPDTE
58446701BITBIT - Transactions in Own Shares14/02/2025 08:30 NZDTMKTUPDTE
59446700RYMAnthony Leighs to retire from Ryman Healthcare Board14/02/2025 08:30 NZDTADMIN
60446699TEMNet Asset Value(s)14/02/2025 08:30 NZDTMKTUPDTE
61446698TEMTransaction in Own Shares14/02/2025 08:30 NZDTSECISSUE
62446697MELMeridian Energy monthly operating report for January 202514/02/2025 08:30 NZDTMKTUPDTE
63446696MNWScheme of Arrangement Update – Initial Orders13/02/2025 17:25 NZDTTRANSACT
64446695SPKSPH Notice - Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)13/02/2025 16:08 NZDTSHINTR
65446694HGHSPH Notice - Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)13/02/2025 16:07 NZDTSHINTR
66446693CO2CO2's NTA as at 12/02/2025: $1.877213/02/2025 16:03 NZDTMKTUPDTE
67446692CO2Carbon Fund acquisition of CO2 units13/02/2025 16:02 NZDTSECISSUE
68446691MLNMLN undiluted NAV as at 11/2/25 - $1.049013/02/2025 14:00 NZDTMKTUPDTE
69446690BRMBRM NAV as at 12/2/25 - $0.753713/02/2025 13:57 NZDTMKTUPDTE
70446689KFLKFL NAV as at 12/2/25 - $1.441713/02/2025 13:55 NZDTMKTUPDTE
71446688MCYInterim results presentation details13/02/2025 13:42 NZDTGENERAL
72446687QHLHACouncil sets parameters for partial sale of shares in Port13/02/2025 12:17 NZDTGENERAL
73446686AIASPH Notice - BlackRock, Inc. and related bodies corporate13/02/2025 12:04 NZDTSHINTR
74446685FWLFWL - Resignation of CEO and Director Mark Turnbull13/02/2025 11:46 NZDTADMIN
75446684PLPPLP - Fund Update13/02/2025 11:21 NZDTFNDUPDTE
76446683WNZ1T2Ongoing Disclosure Notice - Dirk McLiesh13/02/2025 10:49 NZDTSHINTR
77446682WKSHAHY25 Results Presentation13/02/2025 10:48 NZDTHALFYR
78446681DOWHY25 Results Presentation13/02/2025 10:48 NZDTHALFYR
79446680WKSHAHY25 Results Media Release13/02/2025 10:46 NZDTHALFYR
80446679DOWHY25 Results Media Release13/02/2025 10:46 NZDTHALFYR
81446678WKSHANotice of Dividend13/02/2025 10:42 NZDTCORPACT
82446677DOWNotice of Dividend13/02/2025 10:42 NZDTCORPACT
83446676WKSHAHalf Yearly Report and Accounts13/02/2025 10:35 NZDTHALFYR
84446675DOWHalf Yearly Report and Accounts13/02/2025 10:35 NZDTHALFYR
85446674WKSHAAppendix 4D13/02/2025 10:31 NZDTHALFYR
86446673DOWAppendix 4D13/02/2025 10:31 NZDTHALFYR
87446672IAGFCUpdated 2025 Calendar of Key Dates13/02/2025 09:52 NZDTADMIN
88446671USSUSS NTA 12-02-2025 $8.3519113/02/2025 09:51 NZDTMKTUPDTE
89446670USTUST NTA 12-02-2025 $2.5755513/02/2025 09:51 NZDTMKTUPDTE
90446669USHUSH NTA 12-02-2025 $3.4512013/02/2025 09:51 NZDTMKTUPDTE
91446668USMUSM NTA 12-02-2025 $9.3784813/02/2025 09:51 NZDTMKTUPDTE
92446667USVUSV NTA 12-02-2025 $6.1549913/02/2025 09:51 NZDTMKTUPDTE
93446666USAUSA NTA 12-02-2025 $5.0392713/02/2025 09:51 NZDTMKTUPDTE
94446665USFUSF NTA 12-02-2025 $19.0138913/02/2025 09:51 NZDTMKTUPDTE
95446664USGUSG NTA 12-02-2025 $13.8616913/02/2025 09:51 NZDTMKTUPDTE
96446663OZYOZY NTA 12-02-2025 $5.3313513/02/2025 09:51 NZDTMKTUPDTE
97446662TNZTNZ NTA 12-02-2025 $2.0576613/02/2025 09:51 NZDTMKTUPDTE
98446661TWFTWF NTA 12-02-2025 $4.2325713/02/2025 09:50 NZDTMKTUPDTE
99446660NZGNZG NTA 12-02-2025 $2.5679513/02/2025 09:50 NZDTMKTUPDTE
100446659TWHTWH NTA 12-02-2025 $3.9848313/02/2025 09:50 NZDTMKTUPDTE
101446658NZTNZT NTA 12-02-2025 $2.5125713/02/2025 09:50 NZDTMKTUPDTE
102446657NZBNZB NTA 12-02-2025 $2.9914313/02/2025 09:50 NZDTMKTUPDTE
103446656NZCNZC NTA 12-02-2025 $3.0441213/02/2025 09:50 NZDTMKTUPDTE
104446655NGBNGB NTA 12-02-2025 $2.2075513/02/2025 09:50 NZDTMKTUPDTE
105446654NPFNPF NTA 12-02-2025 $1.0857513/02/2025 09:50 NZDTMKTUPDTE
106446653JPNJPN NTA 12-02-2025 $2.7315013/02/2025 09:50 NZDTMKTUPDTE
107446652LIVLIV NTA 12-02-2025 $3.1467313/02/2025 09:50 NZDTMKTUPDTE
108446651MDZMDZ NTA 12-02-2025 $5.6051413/02/2025 09:50 NZDTMKTUPDTE
109446650MZYMZY NTA 12-02-2025 $11.3601813/02/2025 09:50 NZDTMKTUPDTE
110446649GPRGPR NTA 12-02-2025 $2.7687313/02/2025 09:50 NZDTMKTUPDTE
111446648INFINF NTA 12-02-2025 $2.8591513/02/2025 09:50 NZDTMKTUPDTE
112446647GBFGBF NTA 12-02-2025 $3.1457013/02/2025 09:50 NZDTMKTUPDTE
113446646GGBGGB NTA 12-02-2025 $2.5238913/02/2025 09:50 NZDTMKTUPDTE
114446645GLDGLD NTA 12-02-2025 $2.7991613/02/2025 09:49 NZDTMKTUPDTE
115446644EUFEUF NTA 12-02-2025 $2.4355513/02/2025 09:49 NZDTMKTUPDTE
116446643EUGEUG NTA 12-02-2025 $3.7467313/02/2025 09:49 NZDTMKTUPDTE
117446642FNZFNZ NTA 12-02-2025 $3.1253513/02/2025 09:49 NZDTMKTUPDTE
118446641EMFEMF NTA 12-02-2025 $1.5998613/02/2025 09:49 NZDTMKTUPDTE
119446640EMGEMG NTA 12-02-2025 $2.7127113/02/2025 09:49 NZDTMKTUPDTE
120446639ESGESG NTA 12-02-2025 $4.1272913/02/2025 09:49 NZDTMKTUPDTE
121446638BOTBOT NTA 12-02-2025 $5.9072913/02/2025 09:49 NZDTMKTUPDTE
122446637BTCBTC NTA 12-02-2025 $3.7409613/02/2025 09:49 NZDTMKTUPDTE
123446636DIVDIV NTA 12-02-2025 $1.1638213/02/2025 09:49 NZDTMKTUPDTE
124446635IAGFCIAG 1H25 Appendix 4D and Half Year Report13/02/2025 09:49 NZDTHALFYR
125446634AUEAUE NTA 12-02-2025 $3.1679213/02/2025 09:49 NZDTMKTUPDTE
126446633AUSAUS NTA 12-02-2025 $3.7549613/02/2025 09:49 NZDTMKTUPDTE
127446632ASFASF NTA 12-02-2025 $11.8151913/02/2025 09:49 NZDTMKTUPDTE
128446631ASPASP NTA 12-02-2025 $1.4494013/02/2025 09:48 NZDTMKTUPDTE
129446630ASRASR NTA 12-02-2025 $5.8860413/02/2025 09:48 NZDTMKTUPDTE
130446629APAAPA NTA 12-02-2025 $2.5824613/02/2025 09:48 NZDTMKTUPDTE
131446628ASDASD NTA 12-02-2025 $1.8894013/02/2025 09:48 NZDTMKTUPDTE
132446627AGGAGG NTA 12-02-2025 $1.1989013/02/2025 09:48 NZDTMKTUPDTE
133446626IAGFCIAG Announces 1H25 Results13/02/2025 09:47 NZDTHALFYR
134446625RADNotice of On-market Share Buyback13/02/2025 09:37 NZDTSECISSUE
135446624MLNMLN – Notice of acquisition of securities - 12 Feb 202513/02/2025 09:13 NZDTSECISSUE
136446623BRMBRM – Notice of acquisition of securities - 12 Feb 202513/02/2025 09:10 NZDTSECISSUE
137446622KFLKFL – Notice of acquisition of securities - 12 Feb 202513/02/2025 09:01 NZDTSECISSUE
138446621ATMSPH Notice - Paradice Investment Management Pty Ltd13/02/2025 08:50 NZDTSHINTR
139446620WKSHAChange in substantial holding13/02/2025 08:30 NZDTSHINTR
140446619DOWChange in substantial holding13/02/2025 08:30 NZDTSHINTR
141446618TEMNet Asset Value(s)13/02/2025 08:30 NZDTMKTUPDTE
142446617HFLHFL - Net Asset Values as at 11 February 202513/02/2025 08:30 NZDTMKTUPDTE
143446616BITBIT - Net Asset Value as at 11 February 202513/02/2025 08:30 NZDTMKTUPDTE
144446615FCTNet Asset Value as at 11 February 202513/02/2025 08:30 NZDTMKTUPDTE
145446614BITBIT - Transactions in Own Shares13/02/2025 08:30 NZDTMKTUPDTE
146446613TEMTransaction in Own Shares13/02/2025 08:30 NZDTSECISSUE
147446612CENContact enters supply agreement with Fonterra13/02/2025 08:30 NZDTGENERAL
148446611SKLSkellerup reports record first-half NPAT13/02/2025 08:30 NZDTHALFYR
149446610WBCIssue of Tier 2 Capital - Cleansing Notice12/02/2025 17:24 NZDTOFFER
150446609REGCOQuotation Notice - ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited ("ANB190")12/02/2025 15:17 NZDTOFFER
151446608ANB170Quotation Notice - ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited ("ANB190")12/02/2025 15:17 NZDTOFFER
152446607TAHThird Age Health Clarifies Media Commentary12/02/2025 15:10 NZDTGENERAL
153446606LGF060LGFA Bond Issuance Notice - Tender 11512/02/2025 14:24 NZDTGENERAL
154446605CO2Appointment of Kate Armstrong as Independent Director12/02/2025 14:13 NZDTADMIN
155446604CO2CO2's NTA as at 11/02/2025: $1.87112/02/2025 14:11 NZDTMKTUPDTE
156446603CO2Carbon Fund acquisition of CO2 units12/02/2025 14:08 NZDTSECISSUE
157446602SKTInterim Announcement Results Date - Corrected/Amended12/02/2025 13:44 NZDTADMIN
158446601SKOASX Appendix 3H12/02/2025 12:18 NZDTGENERAL
159446600CENContact to be added to MSCI Global Standard Index12/02/2025 12:02 NZDTGENERAL
160446599ANB170ANZ bond offer - Final Terms Sheet released12/02/2025 11:44 NZDTOFFER
161446598ANB170ANZ bond offer - interest rate set12/02/2025 11:29 NZDTOFFER
162446597ANB170ANZ bond offer – offer closed and margin set12/02/2025 11:15 NZDTOFFER
163446596SMIExercise of Options12/02/2025 11:10 NZDTSECISSUE
164446595ANZUpdate - Notification of buy-back - ANZ12/02/2025 10:37 NZDTSECISSUE
165446594ABB090CBA 2025 Half Year Basel III Pillar 3 Disclosure12/02/2025 10:02 NZDTGENERAL
166446593ABB090CBA 2025 Half Year Results Presentation12/02/2025 10:02 NZDTGENERAL
167446592ABB090CBA 2025 Half Year Results Profit Announcement12/02/2025 10:02 NZDTGENERAL
168446591ABB090CBA 2025 Half Year Results ASX Announcement12/02/2025 10:02 NZDTGENERAL
169446590ABB090ASB Disclosure Statement 31 December 202412/02/2025 10:01 NZDTHALFYR
170446589ABB090ASB 2025 Half Year Financial Results Media Release12/02/2025 10:01 NZDTHALFYR
171446588MLNMLN – Notice of acquisition of securities - 11 Feb 202512/02/2025 09:54 NZDTSECISSUE
172446587KFLKFL – Notice of acquisition of securities - 11 Feb 202512/02/2025 09:50 NZDTSECISSUE
173446586ASDASD NTA 11-02-2025 $1.8710512/02/2025 09:46 NZDTMKTUPDTE
174446585AGGAGG NTA 11-02-2025 $1.2022712/02/2025 09:46 NZDTMKTUPDTE
175446584AUEAUE NTA 11-02-2025 $3.1435612/02/2025 09:45 NZDTMKTUPDTE
176446583ASFASF NTA 11-02-2025 $11.6304612/02/2025 09:45 NZDTMKTUPDTE
177446582ASPASP NTA 11-02-2025 $1.4488112/02/2025 09:45 NZDTMKTUPDTE
178446581APAAPA NTA 11-02-2025 $2.5796212/02/2025 09:45 NZDTMKTUPDTE
179446580GGBGGB NTA 11-02-2025 $2.5281512/02/2025 09:45 NZDTMKTUPDTE
180446579EMFEMF NTA 11-02-2025 $1.6048212/02/2025 09:45 NZDTMKTUPDTE
181446578ASRASR NTA 11-02-2025 $5.8821812/02/2025 09:45 NZDTMKTUPDTE
182446577DIVDIV NTA 11-02-2025 $1.1617012/02/2025 09:45 NZDTMKTUPDTE
183446576EUFEUF NTA 11-02-2025 $2.4127312/02/2025 09:45 NZDTMKTUPDTE
184446575ESGESG NTA 11-02-2025 $4.1347812/02/2025 09:45 NZDTMKTUPDTE
185446574BTCBTC NTA 11-02-2025 $3.8244712/02/2025 09:45 NZDTMKTUPDTE
186446573FNZFNZ NTA 11-02-2025 $3.1205912/02/2025 09:45 NZDTMKTUPDTE
187446572BOTBOT NTA 11-02-2025 $5.8947312/02/2025 09:45 NZDTMKTUPDTE
188446571EMGEMG NTA 11-02-2025 $2.7193512/02/2025 09:45 NZDTMKTUPDTE
189446570EUGEUG NTA 11-02-2025 $3.7230612/02/2025 09:45 NZDTMKTUPDTE
190446569AUSAUS NTA 11-02-2025 $3.7258512/02/2025 09:45 NZDTMKTUPDTE
191446568GPRGPR NTA 11-02-2025 $2.7539312/02/2025 09:45 NZDTMKTUPDTE
192446567GLDGLD NTA 11-02-2025 $2.8057812/02/2025 09:45 NZDTMKTUPDTE
193446566GBFGBF NTA 11-02-2025 $3.1505712/02/2025 09:44 NZDTMKTUPDTE
194446565JPNJPN NTA 11-02-2025 $2.7371112/02/2025 09:44 NZDTMKTUPDTE
195446564INFINF NTA 11-02-2025 $2.8440612/02/2025 09:44 NZDTMKTUPDTE
196446563MDZMDZ NTA 11-02-2025 $5.5693112/02/2025 09:44 NZDTMKTUPDTE
197446562NPFNPF NTA 11-02-2025 $1.0845912/02/2025 09:44 NZDTMKTUPDTE
198446561LIVLIV NTA 11-02-2025 $3.1593412/02/2025 09:44 NZDTMKTUPDTE
199446560NZBNZB NTA 11-02-2025 $2.9946312/02/2025 09:44 NZDTMKTUPDTE
200446559MZYMZY NTA 11-02-2025 $11.3545012/02/2025 09:44 NZDTMKTUPDTE