Release of a new letter from JTG 4 Limited
26/03/2025 12:16 NZDT, MKTUPDTE
Release of a new letter from JTG 4 Limited relating to shareholder proposal
AUCKLAND, 26 March 2025: NZME Limited (NZX and ASX: NZM) (NZME) has today released a copy of an additional letter it has received from JTG 4 Limited (JTG) (a company owned by Mr Jim Grenon) on 25 March 2025 (Second Letter), in relation to Mr Grenon’s proposed changes to the NZME Board.
The Second Letter being released today will be included as another explanatory note in the Notice of Meeting, to be read together with Mr Grenon’s previous letter released on 21 March 2025. The Board notes the Second Letter includes an update on Mr Grenon’s discussions with other shareholders. The Second Letter also proposes that if Mr Grenon’s proposed new board is appointed, up to four further board members be added after the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, in addition to the nominees proposed by Mr Grenon (being Mr Grenon, Mr Crump, Mr Gittings and Mr West).
The NZME Board remains focused on protecting shareholder value and ensuring shareholders have all accurate and relevant information in order to consider the resolutions to be voted on by shareholders at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting.
Authorised by Barbara Chapman, Chairman.
For further information please contact:
For media:
Kelly Gunn
GM Communications
+64 27 213 5625
For investors:
David Mackrell
Chief Financial Officer
+64 21 311 911